Day 27:
I woke up this morning and my headache was gone, and I felt more energetic. Mark asked if there was anything I especially wanted to do, and I said I really wanted a Jamba Juice. I told him I had seen one a couple miles from his house, and that I'd like to go there. He said that was fine, but would I rather go to the one 2 blocks away. I chose that one. I'm so jealous he lives only 2 blocks from a Jamba Juice!
After a refreshing drink, we decided to go to Red Rocks. What a great place! I really wish I could have gone to a concert there. There were a lot of people there working out. It was like a huge outdoor gym. We climbed all those steps you see in the picture, and about 100 more. Then, we went to the visitors center and did a bunch more walking. I really enjoyed it, but had to stop often to rest. There's no stinking air here! Anyway, about half way through our little hike, my headache was back full force, and I was feeling really weak again. It was worth it.
After our Red Rocks adventure, Mark had to go to the school to teach a piano class to 9 kids (he had taken the rest of the day off to show me around). He has a great class, and it was fun to be a part of it.
We went and picked up Sierra after her baseball game down in Castle Rock. It's down south toward Colorado Springs. I wanted to take them out to dinner, so we decided on an Italian buffet between Denver & Boulder called Cinzetti's. It was so good. If you ever have the chance to go there...
We all ate way too much, and headed back to Highlands Ranch to suffer.
The whole day had been totally great, but my favorite part was about to happen. I asked Mark and Sierra if they would sing a couple of songs for me. Mark has an amazing voice, but I had never heard Sierra sing before. They sounded so good together, and I convinced them to do a third song. So talented!
Then, they convinced me to sing a song for them, and it was fun. Our little concert turned out to be the highlight of my day. Excellent day!
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