Sunday, April 7, 2013

Well, I'm very sad. I composed a nice, long update yesterday and when I tried to post it, it disappeared. I honestly don't remember everything I discussed. The main points were gray skies and late train. I made it to Chicago with 2 minutes to spare, so thanks for your prayers! I didn't see sun from Sacramento until we reached Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. So, the next time you get sick of the rain in CC and say 'I'm gonna drive this weekend until I find some sun', be may have to drive all the way across the country! Beautiful day today! As I said, we found the sun in Harpers Ferry...what a nice place that is. My 7 hours ( which turned into 8) in D.C. Was awesome! I went to the American History Museum and the National Art Gallery and both were wonderful. On my way back to Union Station, the police had sealed off the area around the Capitol with yellow police tape. I don't know what was going on, but there were at least 2 dozen cops there. The National Mall and all things Smithsonian were absolutely packed today. Then to make a great day even better, I found a Jamba Juice IN Union exciting! Yes, all the other things I experienced were more exciting, but it was nice to get an unexpected Jamba. Okay, this bar keeps popping up saying my post can't be saved, so I'm afraid I won't be able to post again. I'll share the rest of today's happenings tomorrow (if I can get this stupid thing working).

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